'Stuff ..., Second Life

SL Relationship Interviews


Hi there

With the festive season now behind us the next big thing is Valentine’s Day and in conjunction with Ivy Maverick we thought it would be appropriate to investigate the state of SL relationships. As a result I will be putting together an article on SL relationships which will be posted on Ivy Maverick’s ‘Stuff Groups Blogs. To quote Ivy when we were discussing the project, we are looking for “the good, the bad and the ugly”. So what that means is we would like input from you on your SL relationship experiences regardless of what they are.

I have a few questions which if you have got time I would appreciate you answering. No names will be mentioned in the article unless you give us permission to publish your name. I will be drawing from the responses to these questions in my article. Our intention is for you to respond to the article on the blog once it is posted, should you wish to.

Please feel free to expand on your answers.


Your Avatar name: _____________________________________

How many serious SL relationships have you had?

What is your definition of a serious SL relationship?

On average how long have these relationships lasted?

What have been the reasons for the relationships not lasting?

Do you subscribe to keeping SL relationships in SL and keeping RL separate?

If you said yes to the above question, how do you manage to make the SL relationship work and keep RL totally separate?

If you said no – what sort of RL interaction do you allow?

Are you in a relationship with someone else in RL?

If yes to the above question how do you manage to keep your SL relationship from interfering with your RL one?

Have any of your SL relationships translated into a real RL relationship?

If yes to the above question, has it lasted?

What is your story, we would love to know?

I thank you for your time. You can either reply to me inworld with answers on a notecard or you can email me at lacy.muircastle@yahoo.com

Best regards,

Lacy Muircastle

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